Hello All!
Sorry its been a few days since the last.. work has been hetic!
Sorry its been a few days since the last.. work has been hetic!
I'm an absolute lover of shoes, I just cant get enough! Which is probably shown with the amount that i actually have.. i don't own many heels, mine are mostly flats.You can find so many quirky flats to go with absolutely anything now a days and I spotted these on one of my many Ebay bargain hunts, their the cat shoes seen on daisy street. I've been putting off buying them for a while, due to the amount of shoes I've managed to collect.. I lost count after 35. But these were only 11 pounds including posting and packaging which I thought was a complete steal and couldn't resists any longer! I purchased them on the Tuesday and they were hear waiting for me after I'd finished work on the Friday, was soo excited and I absolutely love them, they are so adorable and soo comfy, I know I can get my wear out of them!
Hope your all having a lovely week