Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The Liebster Awards #2

Hello beauts, 

I was nominated for the Liebster awards again this time by the lovely Ashleigh from bellesnbows , thank you! 2 in two weeks and getting to 99 followers I am one happy bunny! A big hello and Thank you to all you lovely new followers! 

 I need to:

1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Ask 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11  bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each blogger's page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

Random Facts 

1- I wore a brace until November last year 
2- I can buy nail polish all day long, I love it far to much!
3- I use to be a lil' gamer when I was younger
4- I love mumford and sons
5- I want to move to Paris or New York or L.A
6- My guilty pleasure is watching most haunted, its so amusing!
7- I'm being maid of honour for my sister wedding which I'm super excited about!
8- I have such bad circulation my hands are soo cold all the time
9- I haven't had a holiday for 5 years!! 
10- I keep receipts for no apparent reason..
11- I hate being late for things, I would rather be incredibly early than late!

My questions from Ashleigh..

1. Shopping - Online or in store? Store I like to see what I buy first hand, plus being 5ft8 I especially need to see if jeans will fit my lanky legs!
2. Weekends - Staying in or going out? I do like the odd weekend out, but lazy sundays are the best!
3. Exercise - love it of hate it? I don't mind it, I'm going to try and start running this year, exciting!
4. If you were going into the 'I'm a Celeb' jungle what would be your luxury item? A snuggie, a blanket with sleeves I love mine far to much!
5. Who's your style icon? i Love Taylor swifts chic style, I also absolutely love Fearne Cottons edgier style, they're both beauts!
6. If you could have a super power what would it be and why? Being able to hear what people are thinking, I'm far to nosey
7. What can you not live without? My family they mean the world to me
8. Did you make any New Year's resolutions? If you did what were they? I want to travel this year and challenge myself to different things. 
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? This is a toughy as I still have no idea..
10. Which most hyped beauty products have you been most disappointed by? I have't really bought many of the hyped products.. 
11. Which drug store beauty product have you been most surprised by? Soap and Glory hot cloth cleanser, its amazing!

I'm nominating

My questions for you ladies are..

What is one thing you want to accomplish for 2013?

What fashion trend are you most looking forward to see more of this year?
BB creams, love them or hate them?
what magazine do you buy or are subscribed to each month?
Where do you want to visit the most?
Tea lover or coffee drinker?
What program can you not stop watching?
book you've absolutely loved reading?
Favourite candle to burn?
Lipstick you just adore?
Something that you've always wanted to do?

Hope your all having a wonderful day!


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me hun! Really appreciate it :)Loved reading you answers, I also want to live in Paris, New York or LA- or all three haha! Hope you get to go on holiday soon! :) x x

    1. Thats alright lovely! I really like your blog (: I'd live in all three if i could too! Lets hope 2013 bring one! (: xx

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination!
    I'm also a massive fan of my lazy sundays...and Taylor Swift! I've already done a Liebster post but will let you know if I do another! :) xx


    1. That's alright lovely! ah lazy sundays are the best xx

  3. Just found your blog, thought I'd push you over to 100 :-) xx


  4. Thank you for the nomination! I really need to get on and do this post as a couple of people have nominated me :)Congratulations on hitting 100, its a milestone!
    Anna x


    1. That's okay lovely! Aw thank you i'm one very happy bunny! (: x


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my posts, I read every one and shall reply as soon as possible! xx