Monday, 22 July 2013

A Little Look At My Week #9


Hello My lovelies!

Gosh its been awhile I do apologies, doing 39 hours a week has worn me out lately! Hope you all have been out enjoying this gorgeous weather this past week. Here are a few snaps of what I've been up to:

Finding some amusing mirrors in a lil shop in Norwich. Came home to find a massive tub of happy cherries left for me after a long day at work! Afternoon tea at biddy's tea room- Such a cute little place and was all soo scrummy! Having a relaxed day of in the sunshine. 

Haven't really done to many exciting thing over the last week with work and everything but its been nice to relax a little and be able to write some post up for the next week or two.

Hope you've all have a wonderful day.


  1. Cherries are the best sweets! Hope you aren't working too hard.

    Water Painted Dreams

    1. They are indeed, you can't get the happy cherries in little packs though ): xx


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my posts, I read every one and shall reply as soon as possible! xx