Tuesday, 6 August 2013

One Today!

Blimey where has this year gone! This time last year rainy day & Cups of tea only just started life in this big blogosphere and over the last year my lil blog has grown into a lot more than I imagined and even though it still its early stages I can't imagine my life without it. I want to say a massive thank you to all you lovely lot for following, leaving the nicest comments and generally making me smile! I honestly can't believe I've been blogging for a year all ready its gone by so quickly, I'm so glad I jumped in and created my lil blog and have got to know some you lovely lot over the last year! So thank you all so so so much for being so wonderful and roll on the next year! 


  1. It's lovely ones you have had your blog for 1 year! well done, I'm the same I couldn't imagine not having a blog. its such a fun hobby to have x


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my posts, I read every one and shall reply as soon as possible! xx